Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ok. I Know This is Petty

I am an officer in an organization that is intended to be for professionals. However, you can't keep people from joining so some of the members aren't professionals. (And no, I am not being snotty in saying this.) People of either good upbringing or with some training, think differently than people with poor upbringing, previous drug use (or maybe current drug use, I don't know), or just plain losers. One of our members is a great member in many ways but today I am so angry with her I just want to call her and tell her off. But, I know I shouldn't and so far I haven't. For this meeting, the other leader and I went to Wal-Mart to purchase decorations and door prizes. Being Halloween time there are lots of cute decorations. We had $30 of the organization's money but we got carried away and I had to put in $50 of my own money. I was not worried about that as I planned on bringing the decorations back home and using them for my own private use. Thus, I should pay for them. So we decorated and made it look really festive. We had one table with a black tablecloth with those eyes on it and then two tables with yellow tablecloths. I had gotten some gummy eyes that matched the eyes in the tablecloth so we stuck them on the plain tablecloth so it tied it all together. We thought it looked really cute. Then we put Autumn Mix candy, caramels, candy corn taffy, and Halloween pencils down the middle and it looked very festive. After our meeting I was talking with the guests we had invited and noticed one of the members taking the eyes off of the tablecloth and sticking them on a paper plate. (which I had also bought with my own money). I thought, "How nice, she is helping us pick up. She doesn't usually do that." I continued on with talking to the presentor and then cleaning up and didn't give it another thought. When we were ready to go I looked for the eyes and they were nowhere to be found. Later another member said she saw this particular member take the eyeballs, all the pencils, all the candy that was on the table and all the left overs from the presentors. Those weren't her things!!! We told people they could have a pencil, not 7 or 8 pencils. Do you take the decorations when you leave? Of course not! Why on Earth would she think she could take the decorations? I really wanted the eyes for school to put on our door. This is the first year we have had a door. They wouldn't block the door so people can still see in, but would be fun. I think they were $2 but it is just the idea that she STOLE them right in front of me. Then she came and told me how bad she is having it right now. She is fighting the city because they want to condemn some of her property. I know there a lots bigger problems than this but I never can get over the audacity of people. I could go on and on but have probably said too much and come across as a greedy so and so. That is not the case. If she would have asked and had somewhere to use them, I probably would have said she could have them but to just sneak them away, makes me furious and makes me feel used and unappreciated. Even if she thought the council bought them, they were not hers to take. I may call her tomorrow and ask for my eyes. . . . . "Even as you have done to the least of these, you had done unto me." I know that scripture well, and probably won't but I don't know if Jesus would want Halloween eyes?