Thursday, January 29, 2009

Time is Precious.

Time is a precious commodity that we waste all too easily. Today would be Bradley's birthday. Brad was my littlest cousin but he was more like a nephew than a cousin. I went to his band events and his cross country events whenever I could. I loved spending time with him. He made me laugh. He was kind and loving and good. Too good. He was killed for being a Christian missionary at the age of 22. He really wanted to do it and was sure it was what God wanted him to do. I visited with him before he left and we had one of the greatest days. I miss him and love him still.

This week a friend was taken to the hospital for cancer. She is 49 years old. She doesn't have much time.

A gal from my church died yesterday. She was 59 and just died in her chair.

We need to love each other and let our special people know how we feel about them. Don't wait until tomorrow or until Valentine's Day to tell them. A box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers isn't what is important. Spend time with your love ones. Talk to them on the telephone. Know that if one of you would not see tomorrow, there would be no questions about how you felt and what was in your heart.

Let past hurts go. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Those are not just words to say. What if God does forgive us they way we forgive others?

There are all kinds of cliches about time and how once a moment is gone it is gone but they are true. Don't wait until it is too late. Love your family and friends now.

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