Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I am happy to be 50.

Okay, I will repeat that many times. I am happy to be 50. I guess I must have sounded dejected or something in an earlier post. I am fine. I am happy. I just need to work on being happy with what I have. Which I know, is more that millions of people in the world. As Jim used to tell me continually, "You are better off not having what you want, than having what you don't want." I really, really want a big beautiful house. Ok, I would take a small beautiful house of my own. Obviously, that isn't going to happen on my salary. But... I had the opportunity to have supper with a long lost friend who did have a big, beautiful house. Six thousand square feet with a two story window overlooking Pikes Peak. The house he and his wife had dreamed of their whole married life of 24 years. Less than one year in the house their marriage dissolved. He told me to remember that all that stuff is just stuff and isn't what is important. He said he'd take a small rental house if it would have kept his marriage and family together. So. I guess be careful what you wish for. Anyway, I am a happy person. I have someone who loves me right here with me and many people who love me all over the countryside. I love and trust God and know that He has a plan for my life. He has saved my life too many times for me not to believe there is a purpose for me being here. I am happy to be 50, I am happy to be 50, I am happy to be 50.

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