Thursday, March 12, 2009

Finally Feeling Better

Well, it has been almost three weeks and I think I am finally over whatever bug I had. It really had put me behind at work and at home to feel so lousy for so long. Now, I will have to use my one day Spring Break to do report cards and get ready for a substitute in my classroom. My principal is looking for a new reading series and we are going to go watch one particular series in action on Monday. We will have to leave home at 6:15 a.m. I am anxious to watch it and see how it goes. I have to go to Kearney tomorrow to the eye doctor. My pressure number was way too high so he wants to check it out again. Hopefully, it will have gone down. I know of three other people going to Kearney to doctors tomorrow. All at different clinics and all at different times.
This really is a whatever blog tonight. I have checked almost every night and no one has posted anything new or posted any comments. I guess everyone is as busy as I am and not having the time or inclination to put any effort into the blogging game? or whatever you call it.
We looked at a really nice house last week. I really do want a house but HE says it is too small and expensive so I guess we are not going to get a house. I suppose I should stop bothering the real estate agent and just accept it but I keep hoping.
Tonight I was on the bed with all three kitties beside me. Paris and Marsha were actually both sleeping beside each other. Well, Marsha was sleeping. I think Paris was faking. Olivia was stretched out and sound asleep. I even fell asleep for a little bit but then HE was watching a basketball game that went into 6 overtimes so I had to get up and watch.
This has been a week that I have been thinking about my family a lot. My cousin in Minnesota lost her husband and had a funeral on Monday. My cousin in Florida called and told me he had no reason to live and that he loved me. Makes me wonder what he is up to. I have been too afraid to call him to see if he will answer. Today was my uncle's birthday and my cousin in Kansas had a birthday today. Tomorrow is my cousin Sam's birthday. He'll be 40. We are so lucky to have him as a part of our family and we love him bunches. My nephew is even named after him. My 21 year old niece moved out of home today and into her own apartment. What an exciting time for her. My nephew just turned 16 and is driving. Oh my! My mom is getting better after not being able to talk for several weeks. Neal's dad had been under going tests this week and found out that both his cancers are "awake" again. He starts treatments next week. This will be about the fourth time. His niece turns 13 on Saturday. Now she is a teenager. I sent packages to two cousins last week and haven't heard from either of them. I hope they received them. I guess it was just a week to think about family and to know that even though we have troubles we are so lucky to have such a loving family.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Friday the 13th.


  1. It turned out to be a good Friday the 13th. What an enjoyable way to spend a day off, with family. It was a nice surprise to see Valerie.

  2. Hey Jane! Lots of information in your post. Thanks for sharing everything. I'm glad Aunt Vera is getting better. My mom and dad were here so I actually got to spend my dad's birthday with him. That was fun. Then we went to Omaha for Sam's birthday. The first thing Claremarie showed me when I got to her house was her new book. She really thought that was special. Nothing new with me.

  3. Sam says thanks for the nice comments. Check out my blog to see what he did to himself!! The kids haven't stopped looking at their books. They are very proud of them and are both planning on taking them for show and tell. I didn't do much blogging last week because we were having major issues with Claremarie at school. It was NOT fun!! Hopefully this week will be better. We love you bunches too!!
