Monday, March 16, 2009

Update on the Last Blog

Thank you for all the nice comments and I am glad that some people updated their blogs. I went to the eye Dr. and my numbers were back to high normal so I don't have to go back for a year. I have worn my new glasses and they really help. We went to visit the school that does the Reading Series we are looking at. I guess as far as I can see it is just another reading series. I can teach it, I am sure. It reminds me of how I learned reading and I am a very good reader so I have nothing against the program. Two things really worry me. One, everyone I know that has taught out of it says that you cry the whole first year and parents are very unsure of it. The other is the cost! They could bring in a college class and give us all three hours and spend less money. Maybe that would be a better use of the money. Then, no matter what you are teaching, we teachers could do it the way they seem to want it. One argument I have heard for it is that it takes the teacher element out of it but after observing I would have to argue that that is not true. We watched several teachers today and all of their own styles came thru loud and clear. It involves testing every week and recording "data", the new buzz word for education. It looks like it would take a long time. Right now our kids leave at 3:45. That only gives us 15 minutes of school time to do anything. If that is the schedule next year, then they will have to figure out a time for us to assimilate all our data. The rumor is that next year our kids will leave at 3:15. That would give us 45 minutes which would probably do it. Who knows. I saw two people I know that were teachers there so that was nice. It was a nice trip and the weather was beautiful. I am very tired though.
I heard back from the kids I sent one package to. I am so glad they like the books. I don't know if everyone feels the same about Marc Brown but I was pretty much in awe when I saw him.
I had a great Friday the 13th. A safe trip and I got to eat lunch with Janny and Jim and Valerie went with me. We hadn't done anything for a long time and it was lots of fun to spend some time with her
I heard from the sermon that we are to love people for who they are and nothing more. Not what they can do for us or get us so I have decided to not mention wanting a house again. Maybe I will start buying lottery tickets! I love Neal for being him and for making me laugh and feel safe, not for what he can get me. (Obviously, because he hasn't gotten me that much stuff.) Ha Ha. No, really though. Maybe if I had money, I wouldn't want to share it either.
That brings up another topic. Love of Money. Maybe the next blog.......
Here's hoping that everyone is happy and safe. Remember, that we can't control what other people do. We can only control how we handle it and what we do with it. There will always be people that are mean and unfair and we have to figure out how to deal with it. I have experienced that all my life but especially this year at work. I have just decided that I will be me and whatever happens, happens. Not that I don't worry or feel bad but in the long run, those people are not important to me. Maybe that is another blog topic too. We could all tell our thoughts.
Thanks again for the comments!

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