Friday, July 24, 2009

Why Is It?

Why is it that people are always playing head games with each other? I remember a song from when I was a kid, Oh the Games People Play Now. How true.
This gal I know called me the other day and she was so upset. She had just read a book by Steve Harvey called something like How to Think Like a Man. In this book he says that to please and keep your man you have to do certain things. He said that men like clean houses so you need to keep your house very clean. Men like good meals at mealtime so you need to make great meals, and men like the "cookie" all the time, so you had better be prepared to give your man "cookies" whenever he wants. All I can say is WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS? Excuse me!!!! I want a clean house and good meals too and I would really like some care and devotion too. How is that thinking like a man. When I am working 12 long hours, 5 days a week, I don't think it is entirely up to me to make sure the house is clean and the food is prepared and purchased. He said that if your man isn't getting "cookies" from you, he will go elsewhere to find it. Excuse Me again!! What kind of a person is that? I only read a few excerpts from this book and I was so mad I couldn't see straight for a little bit. I just think we have bought into the idea that we have to please someone and those someones have gotten into the ideas that they have to be pleased and that may be why the divorce rate is so high.
Another friend was telling me about a book she read about how to please your partner. It said that men want to be respected and women want to be loved. That kind of thinking is a little better. I think that may be true and maybe if we look at the things we do and say, we aren't treating each other in those ways and with a little bit of tweaking, we can improve our relationships.
My relationship with my man is fine. I am not reading these books or having these conversations looking for advice but I do know that the respect is definitely a key area of our relationship. HE wants to be respected and can handle a dirty house and toast to eat if he feels that he is respected.
Going back to Steve Harvey. Why do (does?) all the media think this is talk show material? I think he has been on every talk show there is. Do people really buy into this? Don't you think that in a relationship that is working, both of those people will work to make things the way they want them, IE a clean house or fancy meals or whatever?! Steve Harvey is the same age as me so I don't understand how he missed the women's movement or how he cannot see that in the real world most women are going to an outside job as well as keeping house, taking care of kids and meals, as well as having a husband or partner.
I think I will write a book, What Women Want and How to Make Sure Your Woman is Fulfilled. In it I will put that women want a clean house with new furniture, no TV noise, good food and a clean kitchen,shopping done, car gassed and tires up, time for an uninterrupted bubble bath, beautiful clothes, and the "cookie" only when she wants it. For you see, everyone has their wants but unfortunately we have to live in a society that may not allow us to have everything we want, exactly when and how we want it. As a teacher, I see the results of this kind of thinking every day. There are some people that just think that the world is going to revolve around them and if it doesn't then someone is going to pay. The media should not encourage this type of thinking. Someone should tell Steve Harvey that he, and no person, is the center of the world and that we don't get everything we want but that we go on and we work at compromise and getting along and SHARING. I wonder what he was like in kindergarten?

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't checked in with you for awhile. Glad I did.....had never heard "it" called cookies. That's funny. I'm going to use that!
