Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Well, I have almost made it through Friday the 13th. It has been a fun day. I did nothing and did not leave the house! If everyone and everything stays safe for the next 45 minutes, we will have made it. I did absolutely nothing today. Well, I did connect with several friends via telephone and computer. I made supper and I made a dessert for tomorrow, Valentine's Day. My significant other brought me a dozen roses tonight. They are very beautiful. I made supper for tonight so we will probably have the leftovers tomorrow. Sunday we are going to a supper at the church for our "special" meal.
No, I don't believe in the bad luck of Friday the 13th. I know that one day is just like another but I also know that if at 11:21 on any day, I can say I made it through, then it was a lucky day.
As for Valentine's Day, I think it has way too much importance attached to it. There were many Valentine's Days that I didn't have a special someone of the opposite sex and I still had good days. I got him a box of all nuts candy and some socks. Isn't that romantic! Last year I gave him a mp3 player. Have a good day tomorrow, whether or not you have a significant other of the opposite sex. Just enjoy the people you love. Do a random act of kindness. Or not so random. I took my elderly friend and neighbor out to get groceries before the storm and she was so grateful and I had fun with her. Don't forget to appreciate each and every moment that you have.

1 comment:

  1. Sam just figured out that his 40th birthday falls on 3/13. We aren't superstitious either but he was none too excited about it. So is Neal eating the candy while wearing only his socks?? Ha Ha.....
