Friday, February 13, 2009

No School

Yeah. Today there is no school because of the snow, or at least the snow we are supposed to have. I know the children are disappointed because today would have been our Valentine's Day Party. They love the Valentine's Day party. Our school sells flowers that you can buy and give to other kids or whatever but if someone doesn't get a flower we buy one for them. I had eight kids that did not have flowers so I made a donation and they got flowers. The secretary fills out the card and she just put ?? for the from. One of my girls got so excited. She said that she had a secret admirer and that she thought it was from two boys. TWO BOYS??? This is a third grader. Already she is succumbing to the pressure of wanting boys to like her. Her aunt had a baby when she was in ninth grade so this put up a red flag for me. I told her that I knew who it was and it was just from someone at school who cares about her. They have decorated their boxes and planned the Valentines. They all wanted to show me which Valentine's they have given to which friend. They take it so seriously. We will have to have a party of some kind on Monday. They will still love it. I am so happy that they care so much about each other and I wish and hope that they can keep this closeness. Some groups do and some don't. One good thing, this class doesn't have too many transients. Most of them have been in the community for a long time. We had lesson the other day about why people move and how a community grows and gets better because of the people. Most of my kids have been in the same house their whole lives so this lesson was a little bit hard to teach but we were discussing why do people move. They came up with great answers like better weather, better jobs, to be close to family and so on. One girl raised her hand and her answer was "If you get kicked out of one state then you have to go to another state or if you are running from the law you have to go to a new place to live." Yes, yes that is true. I really don't know that she has any personal experience with this but she certainly knew that that was a reason you would move. The only reason any of them had moved was because of divorce. Kids are so fun and interesting but when you hear these things , it make me worry a little bit. This was the same girl, that when we were reading the book Anna's Blizzard and talked about how the teacher would stay with the families of the students, got this horrified expression on her face and told me that I couldn't come stay with their family because they had bugs in their food. NO she didn't want me to eat at her house. SO I hope that on a day like this when there is no school that she and the children in her circumstances are having good food and a good day. No School. I am going to enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Jane,

    This post confirms something I already knew about you. You are such a loving, caring, awesome teacher. It takes someone special to be a teacher!
